
LOTS and LOTS of pictures

I did it!  The blog is caught up!!  All of these pictures are from the last two weeks.  Clark's 6 month letter is coming later today :)  CANNOT believe he is six months old!

 Clark attempting to eat more food...
 Yes, we saved bibs from Sloane and apparently they are all pink :)

 On our way to the park...
 Clark is starting to put things in his mouth. Time to make sure everything in our house is clean...
 These pjs were Sloane's and I love that he has been wearing them a bunch.  But he has grown a bunch lately and we are nearly out of clothes.  Time to go shopping!
 Not thrilled to watch Sloane at swim lessons...
 I love these little people...
 Sloane told me she would take care of Clark and read him books so I could sleep in...
 Clark only naps for 30 minutes then wakes up clockwork.  Time for this kid to start taking longer naps...
I took the kids to Disneyland on Wednesday and it was great - 80 degrees and no lines.  Sloane is loving it now.  Minnie is her favorite...
 Sloane working on Valentine cards, Clark playing (i.e. watching Sloane) and I prep dinner.  The only way to get stuff done...

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