
Happy Eight Months, Clark!

Dear Clark,

You are eight months old!  It is hard to believe that you have been out of my belly as long as you were inside of it because the last eight months have gone by so quickly.  You were four pounds of skin and bones eight months ago.  Today you are chubby with little legs rolls and round belly.  You love being tickled and you have the cutest belly laugh.  You are very smiley and happy, and still comfortable with anyone holding you.  You are laid back and indifferent to many things.  Daddy and I have put your feet in the ocean several times and you do not make any facial expressions, good or bad, about it.   Same thing at the park and going on the swings, you don’t get overly happy or sad, you just hang out.

You have mastered sitting up.  We can plop you down on the ground with some toys and you are happy sitting up and playing.  You prefer to sit up and play versus lying on your back.  You have become more mobile the last few days by rolling and trying to scoot.  I have a feeling that crawling is going to start soon.   I couldn’t wait for Sloane to start crawling and now with you, I want you stay in one spot for as long as possible.  Once you really start moving, it is going to be a new challenge to keep you safe with all of Sloane’s tiny toys spread throughout the house.  Sloane loves and adores you so much.  She tells you that she loves you multiple times a day, she runs into your room and says “Mommy is coming!” when you wake up from nap, and she keeps you entertained.  You LOVE watching her dance, sing songs and run around the park.  You can be cranky and tired before bed but if we lay you in Sloane’s bed and she cuddles with you, you instantly get a big smile on your face.

I decided to start giving you more that we are eating since it is easy for me.  You have nibbled on bell peppers, waffles, pancakes, roasted sweet potatoes, avocados, sourdough bread, tortillas, banana slices and raspberries.   You are not a big eater.  Some days you just eat a few bites; other days you will earn a whole bowl of sauce.  I am hoping that once summer arrives and all the delicious summer fruits are in season that you will be more excited to try new foods.

Nights still suck. You wake up around 2-3am and since I am so desperate for sleep, I just bring you into bed with daddy and I.  Cuddles and little milk is all it takes for you to pass out.  Some mornings you sleep up 7:30-8am, but other days you are up at 6:30am.  There really doesn’t seem to be a regular schedule.  Every day is something different.  Most days you are up for 2 hours before taking a 30-minute nap, which means you take 3-4 naps a day.  There have been a few days that you have napped for 45-60 minutes but it is rare. 

I love you so much,


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